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Emily Benzchawel

Emily Benszchawel Headshot
  • Major in Recreational Therapy and minor in adaptive sports.

Photo of Emily hiking.  Photo of Emily with another intern on top of ski hill.

Photo of Emily with two friends biking in town.   Photo of Emily muddy from mountain biking.

Hometown: Monroe, Wisconsin

Favorite Quote: Comparison is the thief of joy.

  1. What led you to join the ASC team?
    I was graduating from Lindenwood University and needed to complete a 560-hour internship. Living in the Midwest my whole life I knew I wanted a scenery change and I’ve always wanted to live in the mountains. I told my college advisor this and she sent me information on the Adaptive Sports Center. Seeing all the amazing opportunities the ASC provides for the people they work with and their interns I knew I wanted to complete my education in Crested Butte CO.
  2. What is your favorite part about working for the ASC?
    My favorite part about working for the Adaptive Sports Center is learning new recreational activities while also getting the chance to meet some amazing people! ASC has the most amazing participants and staff who help create a positive environment!
